A reader submitted a question about finding a specific target shooting book the NRA published back in the 1980s and 1990s.
Q: I am interested in purchasing a copy of the book titled, Competitive Shooting by A.A. Yur’yev. This book is found to be an inspirational document for the new generation of shooters but is unavailable anywhere in New Zealand.
A: The National Rifle Association of America began printing the English translation of Competitive Shooting in 1985 and reprinted the publication until 2002. Unfortunately, that is the last time the book was reproduced and NRA no longer has any copies in house. Because of this, we searched online, finding the best deal at Amazon. The lowest price we found was for a used hardcover copy for $48.73 with free shipping.
When searching for past or current books published by NRA, two good places to start your search are the NRA Store and the NRA Materials Center. The two websites are NRAStore.com and materials.nrahq.org, respectively. If neither of these places turns up what you are looking for, try Ebay, which has a number of books for firearms enthusiasts including several discontinued titles.
Do you have a question about competitive shooting or equipment? Email us at [email protected], or comment in the section below. We look forward to hearing from you.
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