From the February 1956 issue of American Rifleman, one reader asks a question on rifle barrel length affecting accuracy, and another question about Remington 720/721 mainspring compatibility.
Barrel Length Vs. Accuracy
The barrel of my 7.62mm Russian service rifle is too long for hunting purposes and I would like to cut it down to 22 inches. Will this affect its accuracy?—E.H.
Answer: It has been my experience that reasonable shortening of a rifle barrel has no effect on practical accuracy provided the job is done properly.—L.R.W.
Not Interchangeable
Are the mainsprings of the Remington Models 720 and 721 rifles interchangeable?—W.S.
Answer: No. The Model 721 is an entirely new rifle and bears no parts relationship to the Model 720, which was a slightly improved version of the Model 30 and 30S rifles. If you are seeking a spring for the Model 720, I would suggest use of an Enfield speed action spring available for $1 from Schmidts Precision Products Co., Route 1, Box 150-M, Sargus, Calif.—H.E.M.
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