Winchester Ammunition recently announced a $100,000 pledge to Folds of Honor in support of its mission to provide educational scholarships.
This marks the third donation from Winchester Ammunition to Folds of Honor, an organization which provides educational scholarships to the spouses and children of fallen or disabled service members of the U.S. armed forces.
The Winchester USA VALOR collection of ammunition pays tribute to our military and first-responders while supporting Folds of Honor and providing assistance for the bearers of their legacy through educational scholarships. In 2023, more than 15 million rounds of USA VALOR ammunition have been sold in boxes featuring the Folds of Honor logo in support of its mission.
More about Folds of Honor: “A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Folds of Honor provides educational scholarships to the spouses and children of military members who have fallen or been disabled while serving in the United States armed forces. Its educational scholarships support private-school tuition or tutoring in grades K-12 as well as postsecondary tuition (two- or four-year college or university, technical or trade school). Since its inception in 2007, Folds of Honor has awarded more than 29,000 scholarships totaling more than $145 million in all 50 states. Among the students served, 41 percent are minorities. It is rated a four-star charity by Charity Navigator and Platinum on GuideStar. It was founded by Lt. Col. Dan Rooney, the only-ever F-16 fighter pilot and PGA professional, who is currently stationed at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, as a member of the 301st Fighter Squadron.”
Winchester remains steadfastly focused on its heritage of integrity, quality and reliability serving the U.S. warfighter—in peace and in battle.
“Winchester has supported the U.S. military for more than 100 years by providing what the U.S. warfighter needs to succeed on the battlefield,” Winchester President Brett Flaugher said. “We are grateful to extend that support to the Folds of Honor mission, and to the spouses and children of those service members that have sacrificed all for our country.”
Learn more about Winchester’s support of military and veteran causes at winchester.com/usavalor and Folds of Honor at foldsofhonor.org.