Our friends at Starline Brass are wrapping up their “New Year, New Gear” online giveaway extravaganza with a final prize pack that includes a Dillon XL650 reloading press, 500 Sierra Bullets and of course—500 Starline cases.
Since the beginning of 2017, Starline has given away some great gear to help promote the hobby of reloading. For this giveaway, you can enter to win once each day until March 29, and additionally receive two bonus entries for each person you share the contest with that ends up entering. The Dillon XL650 is a high-speed progressive reloading machine designed to load rifle and handgun cartridges, from .17 Hornet though .458 Winchester Magnum in rifle, and .32 ACP through .500 S&W in handgun. The Dillon XL650 features automatic indexing and is capable of producing up to 800 rounds per hour.
Starline manufactures a full line of handgun cartridge cases, and has recently begun producing rifle brass.
Enter to win today by visiting Starline Brass on Facebook, or go to www.starlinebrass.com/contest.