USPSA Introduces Updated Classification System

USPSA has updated its shooter classification system, which allows competitors to compare their skills with their peers in their respective divisions.

at USPSA posted on May 5, 2024
USPSA Classification 2
USPSA Open division shooter Jennifer Tang competing at the 2023 U.S. IPSC Nationals.
Photo by USPSA

The USPSA classification system is a method for tracking your performance against other shooters within each division. It evaluates your most recent stage results from classifier stages shot at your local club against past scores. Clubs submit these results, which now can be done effortlessly and are updated weekly. In addition, the USPSA classification system can also include your performance from larger Level 2 and 3 matches if they meet the criteria.

USPSA classification system
The USPSA classification system evaluates recent stage results from classifier stages shot at your local club against past scores. Only four valid scores are necessary for your initial USPSA classification.


Our system’s ability to reset performance standards preserves the integrity of a USPSA classification. Much like golfers who establish their “handicap” through multiple rounds on courses with a known “par,” USPSA shooters earn their classification by completing several courses with a “high hit factor.” This classification enables other shooters to gauge their skills and creates competitive classes where individuals face off against peers of similar ability.

For an initial classification, you need only four valid scores. These classifications are recalculated every Wednesday morning. It’s important to note that clubs must upload match results and settle activity fees by Tuesday for scores to be included in that week’s calculations. Unpaid classifier scores are withheld pending club payment.

Once classified, the system reviews the best six of your eight most recent valid scores during its next run. If the average of these places you in a higher class, you’ll be promoted. Moreover, your classifications in other USPSA divisions are also assessed to ensure they comply with the board policy stating that no classification can be more than one class below your highest.

Eddie Garcia
USPSA shooter classifications are recalculated every Wednesday morning.


Members can print their cards by accessing their profile on the USPSA website and clicking the “Classification Card” link. Tracking your classification is also available on the USPSA mobile app, where you can find the classifier calculator to determine your percentage right away.

The last 40 years have seen practical shooters revolutionize the sport—transforming shooting techniques, firearm construction, holster designs and even the choice of ammunition. As the sport’s upper echelon advances, so does the “high hit factor” necessary to achieve a “Grand Master” title. By continually adapting to these shifts, the USPSA classification system has become a widely recognized standard in the practical shooting community.

The USPSA classification system is dynamic and robust, serving as a testament to the organization’s commitment to the sport’s evolution.

Article from the 2024 Annual edition of USPSA’s magazine.


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