With reports of Covid-19 cases rising across the country, USA Shooting has decided to cancel the 2020 Shotgun Nationals Championships, as well as the Junior Olympic Championships. The decision comes from the inability for all athletes to have access to training in preparation for the competition.
Read the announcement posted to the USA Shooting website on Wednesday, July 15 below.
“[USA Shooting] strives for the highest standard of promoting a fair-play environment. These competitions serve as the National Team and National Junior Team selection, and those selected could represent the United States Shooting Team at future international competitions. USA Shooting strongly believes that given the current Covid-19 landscape, this would not be a fair-play environment to host these matches.
This decision’s timing arrives within the promised 60-day 'go' or 'no-go' notice of protected competitions outlined in the USA Shooting Return to Play Statement published in June. USA Shooting will continue to honor that notice with all future protected events. All updates will be sent to our members and athletes and be posted on social media platforms.
More information about 2021 USA Shooting Shotgun Competitions will be communicated as the ISSF releases [its] 2021 calendar and any other relevant information.
USA Shooting is continuing to sanction state and local events. USA Shooting recommends clubs follow specific guidelines from their individual state’s governor and the CDC.
Smallbore Rifle Olympic Trials Part 2 dates and locations are still under review. More information will be communicated before the 60-day 'go' or 'no-go' date within the next three weeks.
USA Shooting will continue to monitor the Covid-19 situation and any developments. USA Shooting is committed to updating our community on any evaluations at least every 30 days or more frequently if needed.
Thank you to our community for your continued patience and unwavering support. We look forward to a time when we can safely practice and compete together in our great sport of shooting.”
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Photo courtesy USA Shooting.
See more: NRA Cancels 2020 World Shooting Championship, Police Nationals