If you are planning to attend the National Matches next summer, or if your club holds a Regional in the weeks before—below is some very important information.
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) requested a change to the published 2017 calendar to accommodate junior teams in their Junior Team Match. The event was originally scheduled for August 3, but some schools have started to return on August 2—thus eliminating those teams from competition.
The NRA agreed with CMP to change the schedule and two options were submitted to the Ohio National Guard (OHNG). Both options involved starting earlier so the CMP match could be held in July.
The OHNG approved the plan, and the 2017 National Matches are now scheduled to begin June 26. This calendar will change the Pistol events slightly, reducing the championships by one day. This new calendar will also affect numerous local matches and Regional Championships that will have to change their dates accordingly.
See the revised calendar below:
*Note this calendar has High Power Rifle beginning with Long-Range, and Across the Course and Mid-Range last.