The Amatuer Trapshooting Association Hall of Fame is offering seven scholarships for 2018. There are five $5,000 scholarships and two $1,000 scholarships available. Graduating seniors who are active ATA members are eligible to apply for these scholarships. Student-athletes must be enrolled in an accredited college or university as a full-time student, and also must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.
The $5,000 scholarships are to be doled out over four years, and the remaining scholarships will be a one-time payout.
The $5,000 scholarships are open to all qualifying students; however, the two $1,000 scholarships are only available to graduating seniors needing financial assistance and who reside in Wyoming or in Idaho. Funds for the scholarships are due to the generosity of the Lander Trap Club of Wyoming, and the late X.E. Durant of Idaho.
Scholarship applications are due by July 1. Download the application at this link.