Team Springfield's Rob Leatham Shares Gun Grip Tips

posted on January 27, 2017
Watch the video above, featuring Team Springfield Captain Rob Leatham dispel the "loosen up" myth with gun grip along with Joseph Kurtenbach of American Rifleman magazine.

The longtime action shooter proved he still has it in 2016, with victories at the following major events in the senior category: USPSA Area-2, USPSA Single Stack and Revolver Nationals, USPSA Production and Carry Optics Nationals, U.S. IPSC Nationals, USPSA L10 and Limited Nationals, and the Western States Revolver and Single Stack Championships. Additionally, Leatham has won eight Steel Challenge World Speed Shooting Championships. And, in the ultimate test of handgun shooting skill, Leatham has won 10 NRA Bianchi Cup Action Pistol Championships.


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