Steel Challenge: Attendance Doubles at 2018 World Speed Shooting Championship

posted on June 25, 2018

Earlier this month, USPSA (the United States Practical Shooting Association) hosted over 250 steel shooting enthusiasts at the Talladega Marksmanship Park in Talladega, AL, for the 2018 World Speed Shooting Championship. A sport the group bills as “the fastest sport in practical shooting competition,” Steel Challenge attracts competitive shooters from around the world with its unique mix of accuracy, speed and steel. So, it’s no big surprise that the 2018 contest was the biggest Steel Challenge match ever, with twice the amount of total shooters attending this year over last year.

K.C. Eusebio is the 2018 World Speed Shooting Champion, winning by a margin of .59 seconds over runner-up B.J. Norris. Eusebio’s best stage score was the Roundabout. Shooting Open Rimfire Pistol, his Roundabout stage time was 5.77. His best open stage time was 7.30 for Stage 3: Smoke and Hope. Max Michel finished in third place, also setting a new world record-breaking time of 81.38 for the match in Carry Optics. Not to be outdone, Eusebio shot a world record time of his own, 67.91 for the match, in the Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics division.

The Rimfire Rifle division had the most shooters at the match with 152 participants. Ethan Inocando, a junior competitor, was the top shooter in Rimfire Rifle with a time of 64.84. His best stage was Stage 3: Smoke and Hope with 6.22.

View the full results of the 2018 SIG Sauer/USPSA World Speed Shooting Championship on the Practiscore website. Dates have already been set for next year’s Steel Challenge World Speed Shooting Championship, which will be held at the same venue as this year—May 15-19, 2019.


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