Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) National Team members were in Tucson, AZ, last month before heading to the USA Shooting Spring Selection Match for some last minute fine-tuning.
Head Coach Terri DeWitt and Assistant Coach Joe Buffa worked with the team members making minor adjustments where needed and provided some major encouragement.
“The days just prior to a competition is not the time to be making big changes,” said Coach DeWitt. “Joe and I were there to put some polish on their performance. And that’s all they needed—these athletes were ready to perform.”
And perform they did—team members A.J. Nomina, Madelynn Bernau, and Heather Broski finished in the top six for their respective Junior categories. Notably, Bernau captured the Junior Women’s silver medal, securing her place on the 2018 World Championship Team traveling to Changwon, Korea, later this summer.
“I would also like to thank Coach Tom Slaughter for bringing some of the Arizona Outdoor Sports, Inc. athletes to train with us,” added Coach DeWitt. “We really enjoyed having them and we look forward to seeing those young athletes on a future SCTP National Team.”
National Team athletes earned their spot via participation in the 2017 SCTP International Championships held last July.
This year’s team members will receive the following: coaching in international shooting, a USA Shooting jacket, fall selection match fees paid in full, ammo, and an SCTP National Team vest. Additionally, the athletes will receive five cases of NobelSport Quattro Finest International ammunition.
The 2019 National Team will be selected based on scores from the 2018 SCTP International Championships this July in Colorado Springs, CO.