Above: Rob Leatham (c.) is congratulated by Safariland's Scott Carnahan (l.) and pro shooter Doug Koenig after winning the 2020 USPSA Single Stack Nationals. (Photo by Safariland.)
Pro shooter Rob Leatham secured his 18th victory of the season after winning the 2020 USPSA Single Stack Nationals, held Sept. 4-6 at the Talladega Marksmanship Park in Alabama. The longtime Team Safariland and Springfield Armory shooter has shot this match every year since its genesis.
In its 25th year, the USPSA Single Stack Classic Nationals focuses on the classic 1911 pistol design. This year, Leatham triumphed over a talented field of 178 contenders with a final score of 1349.85 points in 183.35 seconds.
At the match, Leatham used his Springfield Armory Custom Shop 1911 pistol, Safariland 032 ELS Competition Belt with ELS Equipment Locking System, Model 5198 Open Top Holster, USPSA Kit and Model 773 mag pouches.
Approaching age 60, Leatham has not slowed down at all in competitive shooting, as this latest win proves. He pointed out the fact that practical shooting sports can provide a level playing field for all ages. Additionally, Leatham was quick to give credit to his gear and sponsorship.
“To battle in top-tier events decades after I began my career drives home the point that this kind of shooting is accessible to anyone,” said Leatham. “At age 59, no one expected me to be able to ‘run with the young guns’, but my time-tested, supremely reliable equipment—my Safariland ELS rig and Springfield Custom Shop 1911—led me across the finish line in first place. Today, guns are more reliable, holster rigs are faster, ammo is better, and having the finest gear, including the support of companies like Safariland, dedicated to shooting sports is immeasurable.”
On a sadder note, the 2020 USPSA Single Stack Nationals marked the final competitive shooting event for Scott Carnahan, who Leatham described as a “longtime mentor, supporter and good friend, who will leave an impact on the entire firearms industry.” For many years, Carnahan was a fixture at the Bianchi Cup, both as a competitor and representing Safariland on the awards podium. His excellence as a competitive shooter and support to the industry will be sorely missed. From all of here at SSUSA, good luck with all of your future endeavors, Mr. Carnahan.
See more: Rob Leatham on 10mm Resurgence: ‘In The Right Gun, 10mm Isn’t That Hard to Shoot’