If you like to go hiking, backpacking or ride a motorcycle and want to try a new way to carry concealed, take a look at the UKoala Bag. This is relatively small tote featuring multiple compartments that allow someone to carry a gun, magazines and a few basics like your ID and money.
The UKoala Bag comes in three different sizes, each offering a little more length. The one I tested was a Standard, which offers a main pocket size of 6-by-8 inches—big enough to handle a full-size handgun. The other sizes are Compact and Expanded.
The set-up allows for you to wear it one of two ways, either draped over your shoulder like a woman carries a handbag or using two straps to anchor it around your waist and leg. Custom Kydex holsters and hook-and-loop attachment offer excellent retention of your handgun.
It’s super convenient for a day hike, allowing you to protect yourself and carry a few necessities without having to use a backpack on top of your water pack. Though it provides easier access to your handgun than a backpack does, the one concern is that it has zippered pockets for the gun. That’s not an insurmountable problem. If you’re aware of your surroundings and hear rustling or growling, you’d be able to start unzipping early enough in most cases. Still, it’s something you need to consider.
Otherwise, the model tested is a sturdy canvas tote that looks to provide a long usable life. Leather, synthetic suede and nylon are available, too. Pricing starts at $119, depending on size and material chosen.