Many competitive shooters are reloaders. For the high-volume shooter it’s an economic advantage. But, the biggest advantage for reloaders is performance. Power Factor requirements for the various divisions are set well below that produced by full-power factory ammo. Reloaders can tailor their loads to produce the same accuracy as factory loads, but with significantly less recoil. That pays performance dividends in a lengthy match.
Non-reloaders lack that advantage. But, Atlanta Arms has a solution.Atlanta Arms offers both re-manufactured and original factory ammo. They specialize in match-quality ammunition loaded to make the required Power Factor for the various games but with less recoil than full-power factory loads. Their Premium and Elite lines are original, while their Select line is re-manufactured. They do for the non-reloader what reloaders do for themselves. Their load selection is extensive, but here are four that I have tested, and used.
Select 100-grain 9mm Steel Challenge
Steel Challenge has no Power Factor. Savvy competitors load as light as will function the gun.
This load uses a 100-grain RN FMJ bullet. From a 5-inch barrel S&W M&P it chronographed at 1160 fps (116 PF). From a 16-inch Ruger PC carbine it made 1290 fps (129 PF). With both guns the recoil with not much more than a .22 LR. Three-round groups from the M&P at 25 yards were under 1.75-inch, and less than 1.5 inches with the carbine. $265/case.
Select 115-grain Steel Challenge
The 115-grain RN FMJ bullet produced a velocity of 1075 fps from the M&P and 1180 fps from the carbine. The extra 15 grains of bullet weight boosts the power factor to 122 from the M&P and 135 from the carbine. I could detect little difference in recoil to the 100-grain load. Accuracy from the carbine was under 1.5-inches. I have used this in USPSA matches. It’s an excellent PCC load that positively nails distant steel knock-down poppers. $265/case.
Select .40 S&W Minor
The .40 S&W is a popular Major caliber (165 PF) load for USPSA Limited and Single Stack competitors. Most factory loads make a 175-180 PF. That's more recoil than needed for other events, like IDPA and Steel Challenge. Reloaders can download to a 125 PF, with “Mouse Puff” recoil for those games. The .40 S&W Minor does that. Their 180-grain FMJ-FN produces 710 fps (127+ PF) with less recoil than most factory 9mms. $330/case.
Elite 185-grain .45 ACP JHP
The 185-grain JHP at 920 fps produces a 170 PF. During recent tests on the Colt Gold Cup Trophy, Colt Competition, and Ruger SR1911 Target .45; it was not only the most accurate load tested, but was as soft-shooting as my match handloads. This load is used by a number of military team shooters. $490/case.
These loads are available in 50-round boxes, and 1000-round cases. They give non-reloaders the same performance advantage handloaders enjoy.