The 2024 National NRA Foundation Banquet and Auction will be the official kick-off event for the National Rifle Association’s 153rd Annual Meetings and Exhibits taking place in Dallas, Texas, later this month.
This year’s NRA Foundation Banquet and Auction will take place at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Hall A, with doors opening at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, 2024. During this attendee-favorite event, there will be games, raffles and auctions featuring exotic hunts and exclusive merchandise.

Funds raised at the auction will benefit The NRA Foundation, which is America’s leading charitable organization in support of the shooting sports. For example, last year’s NRA Foundation Banquet and Auction netted more than $212,000 to help support activities designed to promote firearm and hunting safety, enhance marksmanship skills and educate the public about firearms.
The NRA Foundation has funded more than 60,000 grants impacting millions of Second Amendment supporters since its inception.
As in past years, the 2024 National NRA Foundation Banquet and Auction in Dallas will be filled with limited-edition firearms, once-in-a-lifetime domestic and international hunting packages, as well as jaw-dropping artwork. All items up for grabs at the auction have been generously donated. You won’t find items anywhere like it, even if you have been to a Friends of NRA event before.

If you’re interested in attending and securing the future of freedom, act fast and be sure to reserve your seat today. You can purchase single tickets ($150 each) or a table at friendsofnra.org. Tables are priced at $2,000 and up.
In addition, you can get a sneak peek of a few of the live auction items featured this year at this link.
For more information about The NRA Foundation, go to nrafoundation.org.