New from Kestrel is the latest 5700 Ballistics Weather Meter that includes the Hornady 4DOF ballistics solver. A real bargain at $499, the new model is now available online and currently shipping to customers worldwide.
By combining onsite environmental measurements with the precise Hornady 4DOF solver integrated in the Kestrel meter, shooters can rely solely on the Kestrel unit for target data they need in the field, as opposed to a smartphone.

Hornady's 4DOF Ballistic engine provides trajectory solutions based on projectile Drag Coefficient along with the exact physical modeling of the projectile and its mass and aerodynamic properties. Coupled with features like zero angle and aerodynamic jump, it's ideal for long-range calculations. Accounting for all environmental and ballistic variables that affect bullet trajectory over long distance, the Kestrel with integrated 4DOF solver quickly delivers accurate aiming solutions for any rifle or round.
The standard Kestrel 5700 bells and whistles apply here, such as accurate environmentals and an easy-to-use interface. In addition to the 4DOF solver, the G1 and G7 models are also included. If you haven't handled a Kestrel yet, you should know that they are extremely rugged products and are backed by a five-year warranty.
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