The New England Regional IDPA Championship will be held August 20-21 at the Harvard Sportsmen's Club in Harvard, MA. Four stages and one alternate stage will be contested during the second leg of the King of New England series presented by Apex Tactical Specialties.
The King of New England is a three-event competition with four stages from New England's three biggest IDPA championships. Titles are awarded based on the best combined score from the 12 selected King of New England stages. In order to win the title of King of New England, shooters must compete in the same IDPA division in all three participating matches.
At this year's New England Regional the four stages shooters will have to face in the quest to be crowned King of New England are:
Stage 3: "Home Invaders" is an 18-round stage with eight IDPA targets, four non-threats and two steel targets.
Stage 4: "Shootout on the Subway" is a 14-round stage with seven IDPA targets and three non-threats.
Stage 6: "Heads I Win, Tails You Lose" is an 18-round stage with nine IDPA targets and three non-threats.
Stage 10: "King of Hearts and Minds" is a 12-round stage with six IDPA targets and six clay targets.
The alternate stage, which will only count if one of the other four stages is thrown out for any reason, is Stage 9: "Long or Short" which has six IDPA targets and two non-threats requiring 18 total rounds.
The first leg of the King of New England took place in June at the 19th Massachusetts State IDPA Championship hosted by the Woburn Sportsmen's Association in Bedford, MA.
The series will conclude at the Live Free or Die State IDPA Championship being held at the Pioneer Sportsmen Club in Dunbarton, NH, October 1-2.