A reader submitted this letter to SSUSA, and it was too great not to share with the rest of our audience. Some background:
I am 18 and I’ve been shooting for over a year now. I absolutely love it, and it has become a key part of my life and who I am. My friends often joke that I seem to be dating my rifle and married to my sport. I have always laughed at this.
Recently, my family and I went to the range to help me get over a breakup. Afterwards, I decided to take the joke that my friends make about me dating my rifle one step further by writing a letter to my ex.
Read the letter below.
Dear X,
I’ve found someone new. We go on dates every Monday and Friday. They love going to the range, where we have all our dates. I couldn’t be happier with them. Mom and Dad love them and actually accompanied me on my first date with them.
They fit perfectly in my shoulder and I love to rest my cheek on them. They help me to see things clearly and help me achieve my goals.
My friends from the range already know them, and there are many pictures of the two of us. Since everyone I know approves of them, no one was surprised by my decision to begin dating them.
When I’m with them, everything seems to fade away. I remember life before them, but I can’t imagine life without them. They were born in Germany, but I hear them loud and clear. Their voice is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard—it always makes me smile.
They help me achieve my goals and are always by my side for big accomplishments.
So I’ve decided—I’m dating my rifles, and I’m marrying my sport.
We love to read your letters! Please email submissions to [email protected].