The SIG Sauer Academy has announced the addition of a new course: Introduction to Pistol and PCC for Females, with none other than top multi-gun competitive shooter Lena Miculek as the instructor. Scheduled for Friday, June 28, at the SIG Sauer Academy in Epping, N.H., the new course will focus on building a solid foundation of pistol and PCC fundamentals.
As mentioned, this course is a one-day women’s specific introductory class to pistol and pistol caliber carbine (PCC) shooting taught by Team SIG’s Lena Miculek. In this course, Miculek will boil down the most crucial things that she has learned as a female competitive shooter, including technique and mindset. Students will learn personalized shooting techniques to amplify their strengths, how to make training more effective at home and at the range, as well as the ins and outs of proper gear setup.
A third-generation professional competitive shooter, Lena Miculek is a top female 3-Gun competitor and PCC specialist. At the tender age of 17, she won her first World Championship and has since earned more than 80 major wins and eight world titles in five shooting disciplines—including multiple NRA World Shooting Championship Women's titles. Now focused on primarily on PCC and instruction, she teaches and is actively working to increase female participation in the shooting sports.
To register and review the new course outline, please visit sigsaueracademy.com.
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