The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) has announced the Talladega 600, a new competition to be held this December 8-13 at the new Talladega Marksmanship Park. The event has been designed to appeal to rifle, pistol and shotgun fans to provide a wide variety of marksmanship opportunities for competitive shooting enthusiasts.
The inaugural Talladega 600 will hold informational clinics during the opening days of the match, including the GSM Master Instructor Course and a Small Arms Firing School (SAFS), featuring an M16 Excellence in Competition (EIC) match
Additionally, there will be popular CMP Games held such as the Garand, Springfield and Vintage Military matches, as well as the Vintage Sniper, Carbine and Rimfire matches. Additionally, versions of the National Trophy Matches, such as the Congressional and the Dixie Double High Power will also be held.
Popular pistol events such as the .22 Rimfire EIC, As-Issued 1911 and Military/Police matches will also be offered at the Talladega 600. For shotgun fans, there will be sporting clays and five stand shoots. This unique combination of disciplines will challenge target shooters of all skill levels.You might remember SSUSA’s feature this past August on the new park. The 500-acre facility is open to the public year-round, offering many opportunities to marksmen of all ages. Each firing point on the first-class 600 yard rifle range is equipped with a state-of-the-art, KTS electronic target and scoring monitor. Each monitor allows the competitor to see their shot placement in a matter of seconds. The 13,000 square foot clubhouse will display scores from the Talladega 600 as they are being fired—creating a spectator-friendly atmosphere for all visitors.
For more information on the Talladega 600, including registration and a complete match schedule, please visit thecmp.org/competitions/talladega-marksmanship-park.