“The M1 rifle is the greatest battle implement ever devised.”
That quote, from Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., was his opinion of the famous rifle that served U.S. military forces during World War II, the Korean War and to a limited extent, Vietnam. Beginning in 1936, it was the standard-issue service rifle of U.S. forces until 1957 when it was replaced by the select-fire M14. The M1 rifle was named for its designer, John Garand, who worked at the Springfield Armory in Springfield, Mass.
How much do you know about the M1 Garand? Take our 10-question quiz to find out. The answers are at the end, but don’t peek ahead—we’ll know!
- True or False? The correct pronunciation of John Garand’s last name, and that of his rifle, rhymes with the word “errand.”
- What caliber cartridge does the M1 Garand fire?
- .308
- .30/30
- .30-06
- .223
- What type of action does the M1 Garand have?
- Fully-automatic
- Semi-automatic
- Bolt
- Pump
- The M1 Garand is fed by a clip; how many cartridges can a clip hold?
- Six
- Eight
- Ten
- Twelve
- To properly load an M1 Garand, a full clip is inserted into the rifle’s receiver from what direction?
- From the top
- From the bottom
- From the left side
- From the right side
- When a clip becomes empty and automatically ejects from the M1 Garand, what distinctive metallic sound does it make?
- Boing
- Ping
- Click
- Thunk
- The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) sells government-surplus M1 Garand rifles to qualified buyers; to qualify a person must provide proof of:
- U.S. citizenship and age
- Membership in a CMP-affiliated organization
- Participation in a marksmanship or other firearms-related activity
- Successful background check through the NICS System
- All of the above
- True or false? If you qualify to purchase an M1 Garand from the CMP, a rifle may be shipped to you directly (depending upon the state in which you live), without going through a Federal Firearms License holder.
- The CMP maintains three retail stores that sell government-surplus M1 Garand rifles; which of the cities below is not one of those locations?
- Port Clinton, Ohio
- Talladega, Alabama
- Los Angeles, California
- Anniston, Alabama
- Still today, the M1 Garand rifle remains in use and is highly sought after by what groups of people?
- Military honor guards
- Drill teams
- Target shooters
- Firearms collectors
- All of the above
- True
- c. .30-06
- b. Semi-automatic
- b. Eight
- a. From the top
- b. Ping
- e. All of the above
- True
- c. Los Angeles, California
- e. All of the above
Well, how did you do?
- 1 to 5 answers correct: you’re a Private…keep shooting.
- 6 to 8 answers correct: you’re a Corporal…well done.
- 9 or 10 answers correct: you’re a Gunnery Sergeant…congratulations “Gunny!”
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