If you love action shooting, then Generation III Gun might be for you. This year’s match will be Friday, September 11 and Saturday, September 12 at the Zeman Ranch in Montreal, Missouri and will surely be one for the books. The event will draw junior competitors from around the country to compete in eight dynamic rifle, pistol and shotgun stages.
The Generation III Gun championship has six divisions including Heavy Irons, Heavy Optics, Open, Tactical Irons, Tactical Optics, and Thursday Shooter. Award categories include Junior, Lady, Law Enforcement, Military, Range Officer, Senior, Sponsored Shooter, and Thursday Shooter. Scoring will be based on time with stage points.

Generation III Gun is a nonprofit organization focused on promoting the competitive shooting sports to juniors and this annual championship is their yearly fundraiser. Generation III Gun strives to encourage young shooters to compete in target shooting because they are the future of the shooting sports.
So if you are a 3-Gun competitor or would like to become one, especially for the juniors, then this is your chance. The competition will be stiff, but that should be no reason not to sign up and experience something you’ve never tried before. Sponsors include Benelli, MGM Targets, ATC and Chamber-View—who will be providing ECIs for semi-auto/pump shotguns in .410, 20 and 12 gauge and AR-15 type rifles in .223/5.56 and 6.8 SPC caliber to be used during competition, as well as awarded as prizes.

For more information check out the Generation III Gun web site here.