"What impressed us about the AMP Induction Annealing Unit was the amount of research the father and son team of Alex and Matt Findlay had done prior to building an annealing machine," said Bill Gravatt, advisor to Creedmoor Sports. "These guys worked for three years by starting with the basics, investing a lot of money on testing, prototype and even more research and then developed an annealing machine utilizing induction heating (instead of torch flames) that is consistent and anneals the cases to the proper hardness. Their program settings make it easy for the user to be up and annealing minutes after they unpack the machine. The settings are extremely detailed with specific program changes for the cartridge, the case brand, and whether the cases have been neck turned and how much!"
Annealing cases is something wildcat handloaders and serious precision shooters have done for years using various methods; much of this annealing was performed with a variety of torch systems to heat the neck/shoulder area of the case. Some of this annealing was more of an art form, rather than pure science. The Findlay team put scientific research at the forefront of their development—letting the laboratory results and range testing drive their product.
Creedmoor Sports carries the AMP Induction Annealing Machine ($1099.95) and all of the pilots for cartridges ranging in sizes from .17 Hornet to .460 Weatherby ($19.95 each). Additionally, Creedmoor offers a replacement brass shell holder grip ($24.95), in case something happens to one included with the machine.
"We even have pilots for non-mainstream cartridges and wildcats and of course have the pilot for the popular 6.5mm Creedmoor cartridge which we take great pride in having helped develop," mentioned Greg Kantorovich, president of Creedmoor Sports.
Greg added, "[This] is just the tip of the iceberg with respect to the thousands of reloading products we are adding to support our customers ... we are in the process of developing our own Creedmoor handloading products as well."