This schedule was chosen by an overwhelming majority of respondents to a recent survey sent to all CMP competitors. Of the 1,595 responses, 1,051 selected the new CMP Legacy Series of matches for the conclusion of the 2016 National Matches.
- CMP Heritage Match (Aug. 10) – 800 Aggregate event, 20 shots standing and 20 shots sitting at the 200-yard line, 20 shots rapid fire at the 300-yard line and 20 shots prone slow fire at the 600-yard line
- CMP Viale Memorial Match (Aug. 11) – 50-shot National Match Course of Fire
- CMP Critchfield 2-Man Team Match (Aug. 12) – 50-shot National Match Course of Fire
- CMP Modern Military Rifle Match (Aug. 13) – 55-shot match fired at the 200-yard line
- CMP Roosevelt Commemorative Match (Aug. 14) – Krag/1903 only, 30-shot match fired at the 200-yard line
The theme Legacy Series was chosen to honor both Camp Perry, home to the National Matches since 1907, and those individuals who have helped shape the nation’s longest-running series of championship and recreational rifle events in the US.
The CMP Heritage Match is typical of the National Match Course service rifle events fired at Camp Perry for more than 100 years. The CMP Viale Memorial Match celebrates the memory of 2LT Robert M. Viale, namesake of Camp Perry’s 1000-yard range. Viale was killed in combat in the Philippines in World War II. Viale Range is one of four ranges at Camp Perry named in honor of Ohio veterans who perished in combat in service to their country.
Team matches are very popular events, and the CMP Critchfield 2-Man Team Match will be no exception. The CMP Critchfield match is named in honor of Ammon B. Critchfield, Adjutant General of Ohio and founder of Camp Perry. It was Critchfield’s vision of a range that could handle the “new” 1903 Springfield rifle with its .30-06 cartridge. It became the largest rifle range in the nation and made Camp Perry the mecca of the competitive shooting world for more than a century.
Critchfield would also be pleased to see those 1903 Springfields in action more than a century later on his range at the CMP Roosevelt Commemorative Match, open only to the Springfield and its predecessor, the Krag-Jorgensen rifle—chambered in U.S. caliber .30-40 Krag. All versions and variants were manufactured under license by the Springfield Armory between 1892 and 1903 and served as the long arm during the Spanish-American War.
The CMP Modern Military Rifle Match brings back Camp Perry memories from the 1960s to current day with a match open to semi-automatic military style rifles like the non-accurized M14/M1A, the original lightweight AR-15 and many foreign military semi-autos and commercial equivalents.
If you have questions regarding the CMP Legacy Series, please contact Christina Roguski at [email protected], Shannon Hand at [email protected] or Kim Filipiak at [email protected].