The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) invites bystanders and curious guests to explore air rifle competition March 30–April 1 at the 2017 CMP 3-P Regional Air Rifle Championships, held at the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center at Camp Perry.
The event is designed for school-aged junior athletes from 4-H, Scouts, American Legion, club or JROTC air rifle programs who use precision air rifles (mirrored from Olympic-style competitions) as well as classic sporter air rifles to fire on state-of-the-art electronic targets at three positions: prone, standing and kneeling. Athletes firing in the Regional Championships are composed of the top scoring teams and individuals who first competed in the CMP Air Rifle Postal Championships.

The Kongsberg Target System (KTS) targets used in CMP’s air gun range at Camp Perry are powered by OpticScore technology, which are scored optically by internal LED lights. Monitors at each firing point display scores, and button functions with an LED lighted screen allow ease of use for individuals of all ages and experience levels. The range was recently updated to resemble CMP’s reconstructed stationary air gun range in Anniston, AL, and the Mobile Range, which both include the same target technology.
To reward the hard work of dedicated junior athletes and coaches, the CMP distributes thousands of dollars towards teams who qualify for the Regional events, with additional funds presented to teams and individuals reaching the CMP National Championship. A scholarship check for $1,000 is also available for the top 3 highest-scoring senior athletes in both the sporter and precision classes at the National competition.
Regional events will also be held in Anniston, AL, and Layton, UT, before Nationals are fired this June. For more information, go to thecmp.org/air/three-position-national-postal-competition/three-position-regional-championships.