Springfield M1A Match
This will be the 10th year for the Springfield M1A Match. The Platinum Sponsor is Springfield Armory. The Springfield M1A Match will kick off the NRA High Power Rifle matches at Camp Perry, OH. This fun and friendly competition will be held on Sunday, July 31 and is a great match for the novice to champion. Every level of competitor, from beginner to expert, can be seen at the M1A Match each year. Springfield Armory has donated $25,000 in cash and prize awards for the match. Registration is open now.
Mid-Range Matches
This will be the third year for Patriot Ordnance Factory (POF) as the Mid-Range Matches Platinum Sponsor. The NRA Mid-Range Matches are held at Camp Perry, OH during the NRA National Rifle and Pistol Matches. The dates are Monday, August 1 – Wednesday, August 3 for the Individual Matches. The Mid-Range Teams match will be Thursday, August 4. Registration is open now.
Long-Range Matches
Sierra Bullets has been the NRA Long-Range Matches Platinum Sponsor for many years. The dates are Friday, August 5 – Tuesday, August 9 on Viale Range at Camp Perry. Registration is open now.
Register or read the match program for any of the above championships at this link: http://explore.nra.org/Iam/CompetitiveShooter(3165)/NationalMatchesAtCampPerryOhio(2345).
Note: All NRA championship competitors should note that effective March 17, 2016, prizes will be awarded only if the tax identification number on the W9 form has been verified against the IRS database. Last-minute completion of the W9 form will result in delays until the verification process can be completed. For more information, click here.