20 Great Photos From The 2022 NRA Precision Pistol Nationals

Here are 20 of the best photos from Camp Atterbury at the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol National Championships

posted on August 31, 2022
1A 2022 Greatatterburypics
A post-competition photo with the top three Precision Pistol shooters (from left): runner-up Jon Shue, winner Staff Sgt. Carl Clegg (U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit) and third place John Zurek.
John Parker

This year’s NRA Precision Pistol National Championships were held July 17-23. One of the three major championships that comprise the NRA National Matches, the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol Nationals were fired for the second year at Camp Atterbury, an Indiana National Guard facility located near Edinburgh, Indiana.

Below are 20 great photos from this summer at the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol National Championships at Camp Atterbury.

Camp Atterbury covered pistol range

For the second consecutive year, the NRA Precision Pistol National Championships were fired at Camp Atterbury’s spacious covered range. Completed in 2021 by the NRA, Indiana National Guard and the state of Indiana to accommodate championship shooters at Camp Atterbury, the covered range is also used for the NRA Smallbore Rifle National Championships.

Jon Shue with bullseye pistol target

Two-time NRA National Pistol Champion, Jon Shue, said the above target from the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol National Championships at Camp Atterbury was one of the “best he ever shot.”

Carl Clegg

This year's NRA National Pistol Champion, Staff Sgt. Carl Clegg of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, is pictured above holding the Harrison Trophy after the awards ceremony at Camp Atterbury.

Keith Sanderson

Previous two-time NRA Pistol National Champion Keith Sanderson of Monument, Colo., on the firing line at the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol National Championships. At the NRA National Matches at Camp Atterbury, high-level Precision Pistol competitors and new competitors alike shoot shoulder-to-shoulder on the covered range.

Camp Atterbury windy range

A sudden break in the calm weather with wind gusts on the final day of shooting at the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol National Championships had competitors rushing to secure targets, along with their gear.

NRA Rimfire Pistol, Camp Atterbury

Above, three Army National Guard shooters at Camp Atterbury competing in the .22 Rimfire Championship.

Bullseye pistol

The NRA Precision Pistol National Championships are comprised of the traditional bullseye three-gun course of fire—a 2700-point aggregate drawn from the .22 Rimfire, Centerfire and .45 Championships. This summer at Camp Atterbury, awards were distributed across 33 different events, including the aforementioned championships, the Harry Reeves Revolver Match, several team matches and many others.

Scoring pistol targets

Between strings of fire, two Precision Pistol shooters at Camp Atterbury, Sgt. Nestor Pena of the Army National Guard and Dr. Judy Tant, change and score targets.

Joe Chang pistol box

One competitor, Joe Chang, had his “Seoul Bros.” bullseye pistol box ready to roll at Camp Atterbury this summer during the NRA Precision Pistol National Championships.

NRA Pistol competitors at Camp Atterbury

Dr. Judy Tant, a former NRA Women's National Pistol Champion, speaks with Franklin Dessuit of the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association pistol team at the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol Nationals, Camp Atterbury, Indiana.

Chip Lohman

Former Shooting Sports USA Managing Editor Chip Lohman was at Camp Atterbury for the duration of the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol Nationals, competing in the .22 Rimfire, Centerfire and .45 Championships.

Lisa Traciak

First Lt. Lisa Traciak of the Army National Guard was High Woman at the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol National Championships, also sweeping the same title for all three individual caliber matches—.22 Rimfire, Centerfire and .45.

ISRPA pistol team

The Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association pistol team poses for a photo after the end of competition at the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol National Championships at Camp Atterbury.

2022 NRA Precision Pistol National Championship podium

With a score of 2649-143X, U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit Service Pistol team shooter Staff Sgt. Carl Clegg (c.) of Columbus, Ga., won the 2022 NRA Precision Pistol national title. Taking second place, a single point behind Clegg, was two-time champion Jon Shue (l.) with a score of 2648-129X, also garnering the Liberty, N.C., resident the High Civilian and High Military Veteran awards. In third place was John Zurek of Alpine, Ariz., with a score of 2639-131X. Additionally, Zurek finished third in the Centerfire Championship with 878-41X.

Philip Hemphill

A past NRA Bullseye Pistol and NPSC champion, Philip Hemphill from Meridian, Miss., won this year’s Pistol High Law Enforcement and High Grand Senior awards with his score of 2614-111X.

2nd Lt. Lisa Traciak

First Lt. Lisa Traciak, an Army National Guard competitor from Colorado Springs, Colo., was High Woman at the match with a score of 2620-109X, also giving her the High National Guard award.

Precision Pistol Team | All Guard Red

With a score of 3409-108X, All Guard Red was the runner-up in this year’s four-person Precision Pistol Team Aggregate. Team members were 1st Lt. Lisa Traciak, Sgt. Mack Williams, Sgt. Nestor Pena, Maj. TJ Wahlmeier and Sgt. 1st Class Eric Lawrence.

2022 US Mayleigh Cup Pistol Team

At Camp Atterbury this summer, the 2022 U.S. Mayleigh Cup Team was selected—continuing the grand tradition of this long-running international postal competition.

Jon Nortemann, pistol referee

Longtime NRA Precision Pistol (and Bianchi Cup) Referee Jon Nortemann confers with a Range Officer during the 2022 Precision Pistol Nationals at Camp Atterbury.

Ted & Sue Carter at Camp Atterbury

NRA Board Member Ted Carter and his wife, Sue, at Camp Atterbury during the final day of competition. Both were part of a hardworking match staff that earned much praise from competitors this summer at the NRA Precision Pistol National Championships.

Bonus GIFs
Pistol turning targets

NRA Precision Pistol competitors on the firing line at Camp Atterbury waiting for targets to turn during the .22 Rimfire Championship.

Keith Sanderson, Philip Hemphill & Jon Shue

Above on the covered range at Camp Atterbury are three previous NRA Precision Pistol National Champions—Jon Shue, Philip Hemphill and Keith Sanderson—competing shoulder-to-shoulder (along with Tony Silva), during the .45 Pistol Team Championship at the 2022 National Matches.

All photos by John Parker.

Read more articles about the NRA National Matches at Camp Atterbury.


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