With more than 111,000 subscribers, the NRA Publications YouTube channel is among the most popular available for firearms and related video content. According to Social Blade, since its launch in March 2009, 2,984 videos have been uploaded to the channel. (YouTube data is current as of Monday, August 30, 2021.)
Here we take a look back at some of the best videos featured on the NRAPubs YouTube channel over the course of its 12-year history. See them listed below in no particular order.
Fundamentals of Bullseye Pistol Shooting with Brian Zins: Aiming
Spanning several topics, the Shooting Sports USA Bullseye Pistol fundamentals videos with 12-time NRA National Pistol Champion Brian Zins are a great source of information about how to succeed in this difficult shooting discipline. In this video, Zins gives us an explainer on one of the top fundamentals for this demanding sport—how to aim correctly. As a member of the USMC pistol team, Zins became well known as a top precision pistol shooter. After his retirement, he competed on the History Channel's "Top Shot" television show and he also conducts top-notch Bullseye Pistol Boot Camp clinics.
How Ammo Is Made
This is by far the most popular video on the NRA Pubs YouTube channel, with more than 2.1 million views as of August 30, 2021. And with good reason—at 4½-minutes long, it is a short and sweet primer about how ammunition is made. A must-watch for anyone interested in how a major manufacturer can produce different ammunition calibers at large scale, or if you just like to know more than your friends.
Where's the .22 Rimfire?
While the current ammunition crunch is forcing many competitive shooters to adapt and overcome for their training, ammo shortages aren't anything new. Even back in 2014, .22 Long Rifle ammo was scarce on store shelves and NRA Publications Editorial Director Mark Keefe asked the question that everyone then (and now) wanted an answer for: Where is the .22 LR rimfire ammunition? In this American Rifleman exclusive, Keefe gets the skinny on what manufacturers such as Federal Premium were doing at the time to get more ammo into the hands of consumers.
New for 2021: KelTec P50 Pistol
In this video, Shooting Illustrated Editor-in-Chief Ed Friedman examines the KelTec P50, one of the most eye-catching firearms introduced in recent memory. Fed from FN P90 magazines and chambered in 5.7x28 mm, this straight blowback semi-automatic pistol sports a 9.6-inch barrel—about an inch shorter than the P90 one.
Inside Look at the Beretta Factory in Italy
Back in September 2019, which seems like eons ago, Shooting Sports USA traveled to Italy for the debut of the Beretta 694 Sporting 12-gauge shotgun. As a part of the festivities, the company invited us to tour the historic Beretta factory in Gardone Val Trompia, Brescia, Italy. The video tour explores the history of the company, which spans five centuries, along with details that define Beretta as the world's oldest gunmaker.
Calling Ducks with Jase Robertson
American Hunter Senior Executive Editor Jon Draper had the rare opportunity to spend time with the one and only Jase Robertson of Duck Commander fame. In this video, Draper learns more about the second-generation duck call builder and his company's wares.
Read more: 8 Competitive Shooting YouTube Channels You Need To Watch