Members of the Bald Eagles Rifle Club (BERC) work hard to support competitive shooting traditions within the U.S. and abroad. Not your traditional gun club, the BERC was established in 2000 to promote the sport of Fullbore shooting, and to serve as the support organization for the USA Veterans Rifle Team in international competition. The club, located in Raton, NM, was fully incorporated in April 2002, and thanks to the generosity of members and staff at the NRA Whittington Center, construction of the BERC clubhouse was completed the following year.
With a strong desire to promote and advance Fullbore and F-Class shooting, BERC established the Spirit of America Matches, also known as the NRA National Fullbore Rifle Prone Championships, in 2002. These matches help expose more shooters to international-type competitive shooting while still promoting participation in team competition within the United States. The match is held every year at the NRA Whittington Center and is open to all NRA members in good standing.
The club also sponsors the annual Rocky Mountain Palma Matches each summer and has hosted mid-range matches. The Bald Eagles have graciously hosted the F-Class National Championships at the NRA Whittington Center several times.
The Bald Eagles support and encourage junior teams across the U.S., most notably the Young Eagles.
The BERC has around 160 members nationwide, including several in Canada and the United Kingdom. Membership is open to anyone interested in promoting Fullbore shooting, including F-Class shooting. Members must be age 60 or older, but associate memberships are available to those 55 and above.
For more information on the Bald Eagles Rifle Club, the U.S. Veterans Rifle Team and the Spirit of America Matches, visit the Bald Eagles website at www.baldeaglesrc.org.
See more: How To Prepare For F-Class