Eley’s latest offering is clearly intended for action pistol shooters. The new Action .38 Super Comp round meets major power factor requirements for IPSC and USPSA enthusiasts. (Learn more about power factor here.)
The new round delivers reduced recoil, and its rimless case is loaded with a copper-jacketed, 124-grain round-nose bullet. It was developed specifically for use in firearms that are built to handle major power factor ammunition. As such, it was tested to ensure that major power factor is achieved. Additionally, Eley says it provides “superb reliability, magazine stacking and feeding.”
The company drew on over 190 years of manufacturing experience to produce the new Action .38 Super Comp round, especially when it comes to safety. “IPSC and USPSA competing athletes can rest assured they have the safest .38 Super Comp Major round on the market.”
The reference firearm for testing was the STI DVC Open 2011 competition handgun, which is a popular pistol in action shooting designed for use with major power factor ammunition.
Eley will be showcasing the new round at the European Handgun Championships in Serbia this September, as well as at the Eley Ammunition Area 59 championship in November.
To test your handgun, contact Dan Killough at Killough Shooting Sports in Winters, TX. For more information on the new Eley Action .38 Super Comp round, please visit www.killoughshootingsports.com. If you aren’t a U.S. resident but still want to buy the new ammunition, contact Killough Shooting Sports and they’ll be able to ship it to you directly.
See more: Eley Tenex Ammo Of Choice For Top ISSF World Cup Rifle & Pistol Shooters