A new NRA National Marksmanship Competition Center is coming soon to Camp Atterbury, the active National Guard base that has been the home of the NRA National High Power Rifle Championships since 2017.
Starting in 2020, the NRA National Smallbore Championships and the National Pistol Championships will be conducted at Camp Atterbury.
"Since our inception, the NRA's roots have been in our competitive shooting programs", says NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, adding, "We look forward to having our National Matches at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, and to offer competitive shooters a centralized location to compete while protecting our Second Amendment freedoms."
NRA will lease space at Camp Atterbury, and the state of Indiana plans to upgrade the shooting ranges. There are also plans to expand the current Camp Atterbury Museum to develop a new NRA Military Heritage Museum.
Additionally, the NRA Competitive Shooting Division also plans to bring national and regional matches to Camp Atterbury, which will be complemented by firearms training and safety instruction.
"Camp Atterbury will serve as an exceptional venue for marksmanship championships that promote education and responsibility," says Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb.
More information will be coming soon, be sure to subscribe to the SSUSA Insider Newsletter for all the latest updates.
Starting in 2020, the NRA National Smallbore Championships and the National Pistol Championships will be conducted at Camp Atterbury.
"Since our inception, the NRA's roots have been in our competitive shooting programs", says NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, adding, "We look forward to having our National Matches at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, and to offer competitive shooters a centralized location to compete while protecting our Second Amendment freedoms."
NRA will lease space at Camp Atterbury, and the state of Indiana plans to upgrade the shooting ranges. There are also plans to expand the current Camp Atterbury Museum to develop a new NRA Military Heritage Museum.
Additionally, the NRA Competitive Shooting Division also plans to bring national and regional matches to Camp Atterbury, which will be complemented by firearms training and safety instruction.
"Camp Atterbury will serve as an exceptional venue for marksmanship championships that promote education and responsibility," says Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb.
More information will be coming soon, be sure to subscribe to the SSUSA Insider Newsletter for all the latest updates.