Tips On How To Find Your Natural Aiming Area

posted on November 4, 2019

All effective firing positions in pistol shooting incorporate the shooter's natural aiming area (NAA). NAA refers to the natural alignment of the shooter and the gun in any position.

To determine your NAA, first assume your position, with your eyes open and your gun aimed at a target. Next, close your eyes. With your eyes still closed, make a circle with the pistol, and then settle into the position that feels most stable and comfortable, and take several breaths. Then, open your eyes and observe where your gun's sights are pointed in relation to the target. Ideally, the sight picture will be aligned with the target. If the sight picture is aligned to the right or left or slightly high or low, you will have to modify your foot position or some other aspect of your stance to achieve the proper natural alignment.

Of course, the sight picture does not stay perfectly still, as it is impossible to hold a pistol without some movement. When proper NAA is achieved, the "wobble area" of the sights will be centered on target.

Repeat the NAA exercise until your stance is adjusted for the proper natural alignment. You should make every effort to adopt this same alignment each time the stance is assumed in order to take advantage of your NAA. Also, periodically repeat the NAA exercise, as changes in shooting experience, posture, age and so forth can affect the body's natural alignment.

See more: Bullseye Pistol Aiming with Brian Zins


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