Note for competitors: Registration and firearm inspection will both now occur at the range—not at the match hotel as in years past.
As if not stimulating enough on its own, the Bianchi Cup will directly follow the 11th NRA World Action Pistol Championship, taking place May 19-20 at the same venue. Let’s take a brief look at both of these exciting events in turn.
Starting where chronologically appropriate, the NRA World Action Pistol Championship, while the junior of the two events, offers some serious competition for young and old. This championship includes the same four events as the Bianchi Cup: Practical, Barricade, Olin (Oli) C. Barjenbruch Falling Plate, and the Moving Target (a.k.a. the “Mover”).

In the Practical Event, shooters fire from ranges of 10 to 50 yards, under varying time constraints. The Barricade Event will see people shooting different distances under different time limits, from within boxes and behind barricades. Moving to the Olin (Oli) C. Barjenbruch Falling Plate Event, shooters attempt to knock down plates in banks of six, positioned between 10 and 25 yards away, under (you guessed it) varying time limits. Finally comes the Moving Target Event. This features shooters at distances of 10 to 25 yards, shooting from within shooting boxes at a target moving left to right, which is exposed for only six seconds. Over the course of these four events, competitors will be required to shoot both standing and prone, as well as both strong and weak handed.
A few rules that should be reviewed: the “Poised ready” starting position, new courses of fire for which national records are recognized, a clarification on Barricade Stage rules, and the Production Firearm class for production double action pistols only. For more information on any of these rules, please visit competitions.nra.org/documents/pdf/compete/rules/rul_action_pistol_17.pdf and
As implied in the name, the NRA World Action Pistol Championship is open to competitors from around the globe, though a letter (found here: competitions.nra.org/documents/pdf/compete/wapc/2018-wapc-competitor-invite-letter.pdf) will be required for firearm importation, along with the usual ATF Temporary Firearms Import Form.
If this sounds interesting to you, visit competitions.nra.org/WAPCOnlineSignup to register (before May 10!). Links to forms with any additional information you might need can be found at: competitions.nra.org/world-action-pistol-championship/world-action-pistol-championship.aspx.
For both events, lodging will be at the Holiday Inn Select. For the Bianchi Cup, Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia has indicated it will provide a “shooter’s rate” to competitors wishing to use their accommodations. The rate for participants is $99.95/day flat rate—just be sure to indicate you are a participant. The code is NR8.

Though it lasts an extra day, the Bianchi Cup includes the same four events as the World Action Pistol Championship, with the exact same parameters. Awards will be in the form of cash, cash and plaque, or cash and trophy, depending upon the event and the championship.
While it is similarly open to international guests, there is one limitation that should be made plain. According to the rules: “Citizens of any country may win the NRA Bianchi Cup Championship, except by those whose countries restrict participation and winning their championship to their own citizens.” It may be wise to check your own country’s championship rulebook, and bear that in mind.
Entries in general are accepted on a first come, first serve basis, with the first 375 accepted invitations being enrolled in the Championship, and the first 44 paid entries being accepted into the multi-gun aggregate match.
Online entries are preferred and can be made at: www.nrahq.org/compete/bianchi/Default.asp. If you would prefer to send in a hard copy however, a PDF can be found at bianchicup.nra.org, and this must be accompanied by a W9 (download at www.irs.gov). Fill out these forms completely, and email to [email protected], or mail to:
National Rifle Association
Attn: NRA Bianchi Cup Coordinator
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
Fees for each specific entry type are as follows:
- Open/Metallic/Production Entry March 1 – April 30—$400
- All Entries after April 30—$450
- Active Duty Military—$275
- New Competitor Entry—$275
- Junior Entry—$175
- Multi-Gun Aggregate—$125
- Guests—$75
- 4-Person Team—$200 (per Team)
For a full list of rules, special events, and championships, please read the match program at: bianchicup.nra.org/documents/pdf/compete/bianchi/2018BianchiProgramGuide.pdf