Eley's New Lot Analyzer

posted on May 8, 2017

Ever wonder how your ammunition will perform prior to purchasing? Now, Eley has made it possible for the .22LR shooter to see the performance before purchase with the Eley lot analyzer. Visit the Eley website, scroll to the Eley lot analyzer and click to enter your lot number.

Left: 10-shot groups at 50 meters. Right: Target rings.

Eley is dedicated to producing the most accurate and consistent .22LR at all price levels and by introducing the Eley lot analyzer a consumer can see how accurate and consistent each lot performs. The Eley lot analyzer will give information such as quantity loaded, group size, percentage of shots within tenths of inches from center, velocity and much more.

Eley speedometer.

It is now possible to be standing in your local sporting goods store, enter an Eley lot number that is on the shelf and instantly see the performance of the ammunition. This service will be available for all Eley lot numbers in the United States from 2015 forward. You can find the year of your ammunition by the third and fourth numbers in the lot. For example, if your lot number is 3016-30xxx, it is from the year 2016.

To analyze your lot of ammunition please visit www.eleyammunition.com and click the lot analyzer button.


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