20th Annual Smith & Wesson Indoor National Championship

posted on March 8, 2017
The results are in for the 20th Annual Smith & Wesson Indoor Nationals (SWIN), held at the company's Springfield, MA location. More than 350 competitors, volunteers and supporters attended. The volunteers spent five days building 14 stages for the championship. Matt Buckingham, president of the company's firearms division said, "We are very proud to be the only firearm manufacturer to host an IDPA Tier 5 event. Our company has been one of the most prominent supporters of the shooting sports over the last 20 years and we plan to continue that commitment."

Robert Vogel proved once again to be the fastest competitor, delivering a time of 204.84 seconds. It was no surprise to see several members of the Smith & Wesson shooting community atop the leader board. Smith & Wesson Law Enforcement salesman, Brandon Wright, had the second fastest time behind Vogel and won Custom Defensive Pistol Champion. Additionally, Josh Lentz used his Performance Center Model 625 revolver to win the Revolver Division. Randi Rogers competed in the Enhanced Service Pistol (ESP) Division using the new Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 pistol, and finished as second High Lady.

IDPA Executive Director Joyce Wilson said, "Since this is the 20th Anniversary of Smith & Wesson signing on as our first corporate sponsor, it seems fitting that we celebrate our evolution this year by testing a new, fully paperless scoring system by PractiScore, and by demonstrating the effectiveness of the latest rule changes. I believe I speak for all of us when I say that we were very impressed with the knowledge of the volunteers."

According to 2017 SWIN Match Director Bob Stonehill, "This year's event kicked into high gear when the first wave of volunteers arrived from Delaware, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Virginia. It was an incredible team effort. Everywhere you looked, someone was building something."


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